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"Sam Sabedra ROCKS! No other vendor gives me so much detail! It helps sooo much! Great Work!”
I love VenTel
Chris and Sam at VenTel are awesome
They are a nice group of people

Featured Products

SDVOB Veteran-Owned Business
Ventura Telephone is a certified service-disabled, veteran owned small business (SDVOB/SDVOSB). Awarding contracts to SDVOSB firms remains the VA's highest priority within their Small Business programs. Public Law 106-50 established a contracting goal for Federal agencies to award 3% of prime contracts to SDVOSB’s, and large Prime Contractors have SDVOSB subcontracting goals. Companies doing business with the federal government and federal agencies can receive credit for employing VenTel's products and services to meet their requirements. We support a wide variety of contract types.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 is a quality management system (QMS) designed to help organizations ensure that they are meeting their customer’s requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system. All requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic, and can be applied to any organization regardless of type, size or product provided. Ventura Telephone's ISO 9001:2015 QMS demonstrates that we consistently provide product that exceeds our customers' expectations, and includes processes to continually improve customer satisfaction.

ISCET Network Equipment Repairs
The International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET) has helped train, prepare, and test technicians in the electronics and appliance service industry for over thirty years. Ventura Telephone employs ISCET-certified technicians who are trained across multiple fields of repair, including engineering and installation. We are a cross-platform network repair vendor with in-house test and repair facilities, and our test lab includes the following systems: